

Prayer Music Evangelism Maintenance Sunday School

Throughout the Bible, there are examples of various types of ministries. Psalms mentions ministers of music. Ephesians 4 describes the five-fold ministry: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. First Corinthians 12 gives the many gifts of the Spirit.There are several gifts, callings, and opportunities available for each individual. God, in His abundant grace, has given unique talents to anyone and everyone. There is nothing we can do to deserve or merit what the Lord deigns to give us; however, it becomes our duty as believers to use our God-given talents for His kingdom. When these talents are all brought together for the unified purpose of bringing glory to God, Christ is ultimately exalted.Romans 12:5 says, “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” We understand this to mean that we can all contribute to different aspects of the church and of life in general and still be unified as a whole. Not everyone is called to be a pastor or a singer. Some might be called to teach Sunday school, to clean the church, to cook meals for the sick, to visit the elderly, to work outreach events around the city.At Iglesia Centro de Vida, we have a thriving music ministry, Sunday school department, media team, and outreach program. We believe in serving our community, serving one another, and-most importantly-serving God. This fulfills the two greatest commandments, to selflessly love God and our neighbor. (Luke 10:27). So come, grow with us, serve with us, and thrive in the purpose that the Lord has given you.